
Students are encouraged to volunteer as an individual or with a student organization. Volunteering has flexible timing and is an excellent opportunity for students to network with other students, faculty and sponsors.

1. Student Volunteer Information

Volunteer positions include hosts, greeters, judge’s room attendants, technical support, chat moderators and registration attendants. Students who volunteer will receive a free SRW T-shirt and some exciting gifts.

2. Recognized Student Organization Award Information

The Student Research Week 2025 Planning Committee needs YOUR organization’s help to make SRW 2025 a success. We have created a competition to determine the recognized student organization with the largest involvement. The organization that has the most volunteer hours to SRW will receive a $400 award. We especially encourage those organizations that require volunteer time or community service to get their members involved, as this is a great way to serve the Aggie Community.

*Individuals not associated with any organization are also encouraged to volunteer.

3. Rules for Organization Competition entry:

  • Organizations must identify a contact person, simply email [email protected] to declare this. Each volunteering member must register through the online registration.

  • Students may represent only ONE student organization throughout SRW; each organization will be asked to submit a membership roster, verified by the organization advisor, and indicate which members will be participating with coordinating times or volunteer individually.

  • Graduate students are invited to volunteer for their organizations as well.

  • Points are earned for the number of hours served as volunteers (1 point for each volunteer hour). The highest total hours volunteered within an organization wins.

For more information, email [email protected].